Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

The human brain is an extremely complex and extraordinary piece of organic machinery. What we know about it does not even crack the whole extent of its capabilities and mysteries. The mind is a black box, and we are all grateful we are in possession of it, but it is not the only way of knowing about the world.

Beyond the eyes and the other senses, there are actually other extranormal ways of perceiving the world and acquiring knowledge.

Extranormal Ways of Knowledge

These extranormal ways of knowing are often associated with the supernatural and the paranormal. Regardless, they have captivated people for centuries, from the ancient oracles of Delphi to the modern-day psychics and their mediums. The allure of the power beyond that which can be within one’s grasp and can be used to peer through the unseen is persistent.

Knowing Beyond Sight: Psychic Mediumship

The most “mainstream” extranormal way of knowing is perhaps that of psychic powers. Psychic mediumship readings typically involve the mystical ability to communicate with intangible entities, mostly those that people normally call “spirits.”

Psychics have various methods to communicate with these entities, including channeling messages, automatic writing, manifestations, and everything in between. While there is abundant skepticism of the credibility of mediums, with critics arguing that what is being displayed is only a form of cold reading and psychological manipulation, the fact remains that many instances of psychic mediumship remain unexplained.

In the middle of a tarot reading session.
There are extranormal ways of knowing beyond sight.

Photo by Alina Vilchenko

Knowing Beyond Sight: Tarot Cards

The tarot cards are some of history’s most compelling and intriguing deck of cards. Originating in Italy (although some of the imagery they possess are ancient), tarot cards are a deck of 78 cards that are divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each card has a specific image, each with its own symbolism and a variety of broader predictions depending on the sequence of cards being drawn.

Tarot readings are performed by specialists who are in deep communion with the cards, having learned of their meanings and archetypes through many years of study and personal reflection.

While others judge them as mere forms of entertainment, owing to their origin as cards used for playing games, there are plenty who swear on the tarot’s divining properties.

Knowing Beyond Sight: Palm Readings

Also known as palmistry, palm reading is the practice of gleaning insight on a person by interpreting the lines, mounts and other features of their palm. Palm readings give you a knowledge of a person’s personality, character and, often, future trajectories.

Palm reading is one of the more ancient forms of knowing beyond sight. It has been known to have existed in Ancient Greece and Rome and even Ancient India, where it was a part of the school of astrology.

According to palmists, the lines on a person’s palm are indicative of their life energy and destiny. Using various techniques, they can interpret these lines.

Most people think of palmistry as a pseudoscience and nothing more than subjective readings without scientific basis, yet there are sizable portions of the populace that find its readings fascinating and informative.

In the middle of a palm-reading session.
There are extranormal ways of knowing beyond sight.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov

Knowing Beyond Sight: Tea Leaves

You might’ve heard or seen people reading the leaves on their tea. Tasseography is the practice of interpreting patterns that tea leaves form in teacups.

Tasseographers believe that the patterns made from tea leaves are symbolic and provide insights into the life of an individual. There are a variety of techniques that readers can employ to interpret these patterns. This include examination of the shape, the size and even the location of the leaves within the cup.

While there has yet to be a scientific basis for tea readings, many people still see them as entertaining and thought-provoking.

Unique Perspectives

Whether you believe in the credibility of extranormal ways of knowing, there is no denying that these practices provide individuals a perspective on life and the human experience.

There are many ways of knowing beyond sight. The ones we mentioned above are just a glimpse of the diversity of extranormal knowing. If you want to know more about the world that is hidden, you can read some tips and tales about it from David Tuttle’s blogs.

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